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JSC “Novosibirsk Cartridge Plant” dealers conference   06.06.2009

кубокCup " The best dealer of JSC "Novosibirsk Cartridge Plant" within 2006-2008

Within the period from 03.06.2009 till 05.06.2006 JSC "Novosibirsk Cartridge Plant" had hold the dealers' conference where the guests from Krasnoyarsk, Itzevsk and the foreign partners from Kiev took part in.
The main agenda was the results rendering of the plant's representatives activity for 2006-2008. The General Director of JSC "Novosibirsk Cartridge Plant" Pyotr Dobrynin thanked all dealers for fruitful activity and noted that the sale volume at the plant had been steadily growing. Also during the conference it was discussed the point concerning the further development of business relationships between the dealers and the JSC "Novosibirsk Cartridge Plant" as well as the further development of the dealers activity, namely the Commercial director Friedman Roman suggested the necessity of carrying negotiations with large and perspective firms of the northern capital of Russia.
In correspondence with the results of three - years activity among the dealers, the best of them had become:
1 place - OOO PО "Sibir 7", Novosibirsk ( nowadays OOO " LVE Weapon showroom"), 2 place - OOO "Temp", Klimovsk, 3 place - JSC "Baikal", Itzevsk. The representatives of these companies had been handed the cups and the certificates. It should be paid the special attention to the fact that the executive director Lysenko Vyacheslav, the representative of OOO "Temp" was handed additional cup and the certificate as the most dynamically developed dealer of JSC "Novosibirsk Cartridge Plant".

Commercial Director OOO PO "Sibir 7" Detchik Leonid
Executive Director OOO "Temp" Lysenko Vyacheslav with the cups "The best dealer" and "The most dynamically developed dealer".
Коммерческий директор ООО ПО «Сибирь 7» Детчик Леонид Исполнительный директор ООО «Темп» Лысенко Вячеслав

Исполнительный директор ЗАО «Байкал» Изряднов ОлегExecutive Director Izryadnov Oleg, the representative of JSC "Baikal",
except for the cup "The best dealer" was awarded for taking the first
place at shooting competition among the conference participants.
The saturated program of the conference included not only the meeting with the General Director of JSC "Novosibirsk Cartridge Plant" but also an excursion around the plant during which the guests had been demonstrated the cartridge production at all stages beginning with the stock material cutting and ending with cartridge filling and packing.
Moreover, during the meeting it was held the shooting competition among its participants that becomes the tradition of every meeting. Besides, the comparative shooting had been held using the "Novosibirsk Cartridge Plant" ammunition and the similar ammunition of other domestic and foreign brands. The winners of the competition were handed certificates and the awards:

Мельник Юлия (НПП «Эколог» г. Киев)Melnik Julia (HPP "Ekolog", Kiev) took the third place at shooting competition.

1 place - Izryadnov Oleg (JSC "Baikal", Itzevsk.);
2 place - Lysenko Vyacheslav (OOO "Temp", Klimovsk);
3 place - Melnik Julia ( NPP "Ekolog", Kiev).


We thank the representatives who participated in dealers' conference. Do hope for mutually advantageous and long-term cooperation! Wish to all of you success, creative inspiration, good results at your activity, health for you and your families. Let your aims easy reaching with LVE ammunition!

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